quarta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2012


Hyposurface (ver +)

HypoSurface is the World's first display system where the screen surface physically moves!  Information and form are linked to give a radical new media technology: an info-form device.
The surface behaves like a precisely controlled liquid: waves, patterns, logos, even text emerge and fade continually within its dynamic surface. The human eye is drawn to physical movement, and this gives HypoSurface a basic advantage over other display systems.
As a digital device, any input (sound, movement, an Internet feed...) can be linked to any output (logos, patterns, text...) This offers full interactivity with an audience, and a simple User Interface allows HypoSurface to be 'tuned' to any event, its wide range of effects choreographed easily (by you…)
HypoSurface uses powerful ‘information bus’ technology to control many thousands of moving actuators to deform a pliable surface, allowing high-speed movement of the screen surface. It is a highly effective info-tainment device!
'The HypoSurface wall was the ultimate word of mouth virus at CeBIT, then in Hanover. Without any public relation work on our side, 17-20 international TV stations were queuing (from the first minute) to capture the first glimpse of this nonlinear, prototypic, authentic, never-seen-before, mass-media-eye-catcher. In viral science or viral medicine you call a viral marketing-contact-effect like this a 'superspreader', something that encounters no resistance. It is an audio-, visual- and physical- never-seen-before interactive live experience, an architectural-cybernetic-prototype with the dramaturgic magic and impact of a successful live performing pop-band!
'Michael Dodt, Shopfiction, Frankfurt

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