Knowledge based design is acquired through one's exposure to a large number of projects and establishes a set of patterns regarding organizations, techniques, procedures, heuristics, priorities and preferences. Over time, designers develop a distinctive set of principles that represent their own individual methods of addressing design problems. Creative designers not only design the solutions, they also design the problems. Although their repertoire of resources includes explicit declarations regarding recognizable problem types, physical components, design rules, or evaluation methods of different aspects, design decisions are also driven by vast amounts of tacit considerations derived from professional experience. Designers make such decisions balancing design intent and technical requirements in a very efficient and synthetic manner. We designers know what we do, but it is not so clear how we do it. This conference is an invitation to engage in a dialogue concerning how Design Knowledge can be represented and manipulated within digital environments.Sub Areas
Diseño basado en conocimiento | Knowledge Based Design | Design baseado em conhecimento |
Diseño basado en performance | Performance based design | Design baseado em performance |
Simulación | Simulação | Simulation |
BIM | Building information modeling | BIM |
Modelamiento paramétrico | Parametric modeling | Modelagem paramétrica |
Fabricación digital | Digital fabrication | Fabricación digital |
Computación física | Physical computing | Computação física |
Gramática de la forma | Shape grammars | Gramáticas da forma |
Cognición del diseño | Design cognition | Cognição do design |
Visualización de informacion | Information visualization | Visualização de informação |
Ambientes de diseño | Design environments | Ambientes de design |
Diseño interdisciplinario | Interdisciplinary design | Design interdiscplinar |
Educando futuros diseñadores | Educating future designers | Educando os designers do futuro |
Arte digital | New media art | New media art |
Timeline Go Live | Nov 16 2012 |
Call for papers | Jan 14 2013 |
Deadline Abstract Submisison | Apr 12 2013 |
Abstract Acceptance | Jul 22 2013 |
Deadline Full paper Submission | Sep 23 2013 |
Workshops | Nov 18-19 2013 |
Conference | Nov 20-21-22 2013 |