segunda-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2012

The Future of 3-D Printing Depends on Hipsters

It’s a good thing that 3-D printing startup MakerBot is based in Brooklyn, because the next phase of the burgeoning industry depends on the hipsters and yuppies-playing-hipster that the borough attracts. Why? Because when the rubber meets the road, most people don’t really want to create their own stuff. And so the next step for 3-D printing must include moving beyond tinkerers and nerds and toward consumers. 

So who will pay upfront hardware costs for the delivery of low quality but highly differentiated, artisanal goods? The same people who buy local and organic, who buy T-shirts from Threadless, and who want to know the story behind their cup of coffee. 

This point is meant to be agnostic on the question of whether 3-D printing will or won’t amount to a manufacturing revolution (though I have my doubts, and here are arguments for and against). But consider this bit from Chris Anderson’s fawning Wired cover story back in September about 3-D printing and the MakerBot in particular: 

Just because you can make a million rubber duckies in your garage doesn’t mean you should: Made on a 3-D printer, the first ducky might run you just $20, but sadly so will the millionth—there is no economy of scale. If you injection-mold your ducks in a factory, though, the old fashioned way, the first may cost $10,000—for tooling the mold—but every one after that amortizes the initial outlay. By the time you’ve made a million, they cost just pennies apiece for the raw material. For small batches of a few hundred duckies, digital fabrication now wins. For big batches, the old analog way is still best. 

In other words, the best case for scenario for 3-D printing requires creating a market for artisanal manufacturing. That means charging a premium less for the physical item and more for the bit of identity that goes along with customization. Maybe that takes the form of wealthier folks purchasing a MakerBot and paying for customized trinkets from fashionable designers; maybe for now it’s artists and industrial designers clustering together to print objects and sell them at a premium through traditional channels. 

Either way, the future of manufacturing depends on the devotees of farmers’ markets, independent coffee shops, art museums, and record stores. Which means MakerBot picked the right offices. 

 Full article

sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2012

Sigradi 2013



Knowledge based design is acquired through one's exposure to a large number of projects and establishes a set of patterns regarding organizations, techniques, procedures, heuristics, priorities and preferences. Over time, designers develop a distinctive set of principles that represent their own individual methods of addressing design problems. Creative designers not only design the solutions, they also design the problems. Although their repertoire of resources includes explicit declarations regarding recognizable problem types, physical components, design rules, or evaluation methods of different aspects, design decisions are also driven by vast amounts of tacit considerations derived from professional experience. Designers make such decisions balancing design intent and technical requirements in a very efficient and synthetic manner. We designers know what we do, but it is not so clear how we do it. This conference is an invitation to engage in a dialogue concerning how Design Knowledge can be represented and manipulated within digital environments.

Sub Areas

Diseño basado en conocimientoKnowledge Based DesignDesign baseado em conhecimento
Diseño basado en performancePerformance based designDesign baseado em performance
BIMBuilding information modelingBIM
Modelamiento paramétricoParametric modelingModelagem paramétrica
Fabricación digitalDigital fabricationFabricación digital
Computación físicaPhysical computingComputação física
Gramática de la formaShape grammarsGramáticas da forma
Cognición del diseñoDesign cognitionCognição do design
Visualización de informacionInformation visualizationVisualização de informação
Ambientes de diseñoDesign environments Ambientes de design
Diseño interdisciplinarioInterdisciplinary designDesign interdiscplinar
Educando futuros diseñadoresEducating future designersEducando os designers do futuro
Arte digitalNew media artNew media art


Go Live

Nov 16 2012
Call for papersJan 14 2013
Deadline Abstract SubmisisonApr 12 2013
Abstract AcceptanceJul 22 2013
Deadline Full paper SubmissionSep 23 2013
WorkshopsNov 18-19 2013
ConferenceNov 20-21-22 2013

Cientistas portugueses mostram interior de uma antiga casa romana à luz de há 2000 anos

"Utilizando uma tecnologia informática que capta a luz ambiente de uma forma semelhante ao sistema visual humano, foi possível ver, pela primeira vez, um interior romano com os olhos de outrora."

Este é um trabalho que poderia ser simulado na CAVE tornando a experiência mais real.

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Artigo científico em

terça-feira, 20 de novembro de 2012

E-Books free

E-Books on Architectural Design, Theory of Architecture, History of Architecture, Masters of Architecture, Site Planning, Urban Planning, Urban Design, Building Technology, Building Construction, Materials of Construction, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, Green Architecture, Basic Architectural Reference, Manuals of Architecture, Professional Architectural Practice, Building Laws, Structural and Civil Engineering.


terça-feira, 30 de outubro de 2012

A third industrial revolution

As manufacturing goes digital, it will change out of all recognition, says Paul Markillie. And some of the business of making things will return to rich countries

"OUTSIDE THE SPRAWLING Frankfurt Messe, home of innumerable German trade fairs, stands the “Hammering Man”, a 21-metre kinetic statue that steadily raises and lowers its arm to bash a piece of metal with a hammer. Jonathan Borofsky, the artist who built it, says it is a celebration of the worker using his mind and hands to create the world we live in. That is a familiar story. But now the tools are changing in a number of remarkable ways that will transform the future of manufacturing.
One of those big trade fairs held in Frankfurt is EuroMold, which shows machines for making prototypes of products, the tools needed to put those things into production and all manner of other manufacturing kit. Old-school engineers worked with lathes, drills, stamping presses and moulding machines. These still exist, but EuroMold exhibits no oily machinery tended by men in overalls. Hall after hall is full of squeaky-clean American, Asian and European machine tools, all highly automated. Most of their operators, men and women, sit in front of computer screens. Nowhere will you find a hammer.

And at the most recent EuroMold fair, last November, another group of machines was on display: three-dimensional (3D) printers. Instead of bashing, bending and cutting material the way it always has been, 3D printers build things by depositing material, layer by layer. That is why the process is more properly described as additive manufacturing. An American firm, 3D Systems, used one of its 3D printers to print a hammer for your correspondent, complete with a natty wood-effect handle and a metallised head.
This is what manufacturing will be like in the future. Ask a factory today to make you a single hammer to your own design and you will be presented with a bill for thousands of dollars. The makers would have to produce a mould, cast the head, machine it to a suitable finish, turn a wooden handle and then assemble the parts. To do that for one hammer would be prohibitively expensive. If you are producing thousands of hammers, each one of them will be much cheaper, thanks to economies of scale. For a 3D printer, though, economies of scale matter much less. Its software can be endlessly tweaked and it can make just about anything. The cost of setting up the machine is the same whether it makes one thing or as many things as can fit inside the machine; like a two-dimensional office printer that pushes out one letter or many different ones until the ink cartridge and paper need replacing, it will keep going, at about the same cost for each item.
Additive manufacturing is not yet good enough to make a car or an iPhone, but it is already being used to make specialist parts for cars and customised covers for iPhones. Although it is still a relatively young technology, most people probably already own something that was made with the help of a 3D printer. It might be a pair of shoes, printed in solid form as a design prototype before being produced in bulk. It could be a hearing aid, individually tailored to the shape of the user's ear. Or it could be a piece of jewellery, cast from a mould made by a 3D printer or produced directly using a growing number of printable materials.
But additive manufacturing is only one of a number of breakthroughs leading to the factory of the future, and conventional production equipment is becoming smarter and more flexible, too. Volkswagen has a new production strategy called Modularer Querbaukasten, or MQB. By standardising the parameters of certain components, such as the mounting points of engines, the German carmaker hopes to be able to produce all its models on the same production line. The process is being introduced this year, but will gather pace as new models are launched over the next decade. Eventually it should allow its factories in America, Europe and China to produce locally whatever vehicle each market requires.
They don't make them like that any more
Factories are becoming vastly more efficient, thanks to automated milling machines that can swap their own tools, cut in multiple directions and “feel” if something is going wrong, together with robots equipped with vision and other sensing systems. Nissan's British factory in Sunderland, opened in 1986, is now one of the most productive in Europe. In 1999 it built 271,157 cars with 4,594 people. Last year it made 480,485 vehicles—more than any other car factory in Britain, ever—with just 5,462 people.
“You can't make some of this modern stuff using old manual tools,” says Colin Smith, director of engineering and technology for Rolls-Royce, a British company that makes jet engines and other power systems. “The days of huge factories full of lots of people are not there any more.”
As the number of people directly employed in making things declines, the cost of labour as a proportion of the total cost of production will diminish too. This will encourage makers to move some of the work back to rich countries, not least because new manufacturing techniques make it cheaper and faster to respond to changing local tastes.
The materials being used to make things are changing as well. Carbon-fibre composites, for instance, are replacing steel and aluminium in products ranging from mountain bikes to airliners. And sometimes it will not be machines doing the making, but micro-organisms that have been genetically engineered for the task.
Everything in the factories of the future will be run by smarter software. Digitisation in manufacturing will have a disruptive effect every bit as big as in other industries that have gone digital, such as office equipment, telecoms, photography, music, publishing and films. And the effects will not be confined to large manufacturers; indeed, they will need to watch out because much of what is coming will empower small and medium-sized firms and individual entrepreneurs. Launching novel products will become easier and cheaper. Communities offering 3D printing and other production services that are a bit like Facebook are already forming online—a new phenomenon which might be called social manufacturing.
The consequences of all these changes, this report will argue, amount to a third industrial revolution. The first began in Britain in the late 18th century with the mechanisation of the textile industry. In the following decades the use of machines to make things, instead of crafting them by hand, spread around the world. The second industrial revolution began in America in the early 20th century with the assembly line, which ushered in the era of mass production.
As manufacturing goes digital, a third great change is now gathering pace. It will allow things to be made economically in much smaller numbers, more flexibly and with a much lower input of labour, thanks to new materials, completely new processes such as 3D printing, easy-to-use robots and new collaborative manufacturing services available online. The wheel is almost coming full circle, turning away from mass manufacturing and towards much more individualised production. And that in turn could bring some of the jobs back to rich countries that long ago lost them to the emerging world."

Urban Design with Parametric Maps

MODELUR is a revolutionary 3D application for parametric urban design that enables:

  • rapid design of built environment,
  • quick response to changed conditions of planned site,
  • automatic change of built environment,
  • quick creation of different variants of urban design solution,
  • avoiding mistakes issued by wrong building articulation and
  • continuous supervision of achieved urban control values.

+ em 

sábado, 20 de outubro de 2012

sábado, 29 de setembro de 2012

Generative Design Is Changing the Face of Architecture

New technology allows humans to harness computational powers for practical ends and to generate building design options that couldn't otherwise exist. How did it develop, and where will it lead us?

Editor's note: Earlier this week at its Be Inspired awards event in Charlotte, North Carolina, Bentley Systems recognized outstanding applications of its infrastructure design technologies in 17 categories. Many finalists incorporated GenerativeComponents, a relatively new technology that facilitates quick exploration of what-if design alternatives that can result in free-form buildings incorporating innovative materials and assemblies. The winner in the Innovation in Generative Design category was Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios (Worcester, United Kingdom) for the Worcester Library and History Centre, notable for its roofscape that reflects the undulations of the nearby Malvern HIlls. Following is a look into the development of GC technology and how it is changing the approach to building design for many architects. Watch for future coverage of other Be Inspired award winners.

+ entire article

quarta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2012

Ecological 3D Printing

Seat Slug
Representing the latter is a research team from the College of Environmental Design at UC Berkeley, led by architect, book author, and Assistant Professor of Architecture Ronald Rael. The team has hacked four Z Corp 310 3D printers and developed a process for the creation of 3D printed buildings, building components, and interior accessories. We spoke with Professor Rael to learn more about the research.

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REX _ Wyly Theatre


Dallas, Texas

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Twist Library _ kinetic architecture

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PFA _ Laboratório de Tecnologias da Arquitetura 2012-2013

É objectivo deste Laboratório a investigação sobre processos tecnológicos construtivos e digitais que, em complemento, constituam ferramentas para a intervenção em arquitectura.
No âmbito do tema geral de PFA – Mundo Novo – procurar-se desenvolver investigação que vá de encontro à ideia de inovação e tecnologia como suporte para a realidade atual da sociedade no geral e da arquitetura no particular. Pretende-se que neste laboratório se desenvolvam temas de investigação que explorem soluções arquitetónicas que façam uso de tecnologias digitais e soluções construtivas que façam também uso da componente digital para otimizar ou permitir processos de fabrico.
A tecnologia poderá ser aqui entendida no sentido de uma tecnologia digital high-tech afastada das lógicas naturais e substituindo estas, ou numa vertente também high-tech mas apoiada nas lógicas naturais e no biomimetismo. Uma lógica mais ligada puramente à natureza de um modo low-tech pode também ser explorado neste laboratório com recurso a técnicas de construção que, mesmo aliadas à tecnologia digital, explorem os materiais naturais e as técnicas construtivas tradicionais locais.
Partimos do pressuposto que os meios digitais (computador e outras ferramentas por ele controladas) são hoje ferramentas essenciais quer na descrição quer na concretização da edificação. Os sistemas digitais têm tido enorme impacte na arquitectura quer ao nível da geração da forma, baseando-se no seu desempenho, quer ao nível do controlo e optimização da construção. Apesar disso, a sua utilização é controversa e é necessário estudarem-se os reais benefícios e eventuais perdas que o seu uso acarreta na arquitetura.
Neste laboratório pretende-se explorar a vertente deste impacte ao nível da construção procurando alternativas que permitam maior controlo, eficiência, otimização, menores desperdícios, etc.

“(…) precisamos de pensar na nossa estabilidade. Não queremos mudar. Qualquer mudança é uma ameaça para a estabilidade. Aqui está uma outra razão para que estejamos tão pouco inclinados a utilizar invenções novas. Qualquer descoberta da ciência pura é potencialmente subversiva; qualquer ciência tem de ser, às vezes, tratada como um possível inimigo. Sim, mesmo a ciência. (...)”
Aldous Huxley, Admirável Mundo Novo

Temas a desenvolver
Pretende-se explorar a ligação entre as tecnologias digitais e as tecnologias construtivas em 5 vertentes:
1.        Intervenção no existente (com recurso a teorias de análise do existente como o Space Syntax);
2.        Tecnologias de informação, comunicação e automação (a tecnologia doméstica – domótica; o impacte da tecnologia na cidade);
3.        Simulação de projeto com base na realidade virtual/CAVE (simulação sensorial);
4.        Processos generativos digitais (biomimetismo – desenhar com a natureza, NURBS; gramáticas de forma; parameterização, fabricação digital, robótica);
5.        Inovação em processos construtivos (pré-fabricação customizada; fabricação digital; exploração de soluções tradicionais com base em novos processos).

Datas de entrega e fases do trabalho
Após cada fase de entrega o docente fará um comentário crítico ao trabalho para validar a continuação da investigação.

1ª fase
Análise bibliográfica sobre um dos cinco temas de investigação. Esta fase é realizada em grupo, no máximo de 4 elementos, que tenham escolhido o mesmo tema base.
A entrega deverá ser feita num documento escrito A4 com 4 capítulo: Introdução, Estado da arte, exemplos de boas práticas, e discussão. No final deverá surgir a bibliografia consultada e citada e no início um índice.
A entrega e discussão será realizada em 31Out (6 semanas para o desenvolvimento)

2ª fase
Ficha inicial da proposta
Esta fase é realizada individualmente visto que já se dirige a uma proposta de ensaio teórico.
A ficha será um documento escrito que pode também conter elementos gráficos. A estrutura da ficha é: título; resumo/abstract com cerca de 500 palavras, índice provisório da tese, bibliografia.
A entrega desta ficha será realizada no dia 12 de Dez (6 semanas para o desenvolvimento).

3ª fase
Artigo de desenvolvimento
Este documento pretende ser uma primeira abordagem mais profunda ao tema a ser desenvolvido na dissertação. Procura-se estabelecer inequivocamente o âmbito do trabalho e qual a metodologia a seguir.
Propõe-se para este artigo a seguinte estrutura: resumo, palavras-chaves, introdução, problema, metodologia proposta, desenvolvimento preliminar, conclusões preliminares.
Dependendo da qualidade dos trabalhos apresentados pretende-se que estes sejam submetidos a congressos e seminários exteriores para divulgar o trabalho e obter opiniões e a validação do mesmo. Neste contexto é possível que o artigo deva ser escrito em inglês.
A entrega deste documento será realizada no dia 27 de Fevereiro (11 semanas para o desenvolvimento).

4ª fase
Versão provisória do ensaio teórico
Este será um primeiro ensaio do documento final da dissertação e deverá seguir todas as regras deste último.
A estrutura proposta para o ensaio teórico é:
1. Introdução
2. Estado da Arte
3. Proposta
                Fundamentação da solução
                Modo de concretização
4. Conclusão
                Futuras linhas de investigação
5. Bibliografia / referências

Esta enumeração não dispensa a consulta obrigatória das regras do ISCTE-IUL para realização de dissertações de 2º ciclo.
A entrega deste documento será realizada no dia 8 de Maio (10 semanas para o desenvolvimento).

5ª fase
Versão definitiva do ensaio teórico
A versão definitiva só pode ser entregue após a 4ª fase ter sido aprovada e comentada pelo docente.
A entrega deste documento será realizada no dia 3 de Julho (8 semanas para o desenvolvimento).

Bibliografia básica
Tema 1
[1]         GUERREIRO, R.; ELOY, S, (2012): Sintaxe Espacial e Complexidade. Blog da Unidade Curricular Optativa do MIA – DAU, ISCTE – IUL Disponível em <>
[2]         HILLIER, B. (1993): "Natural movement: or configuration and attraction in urban pedestrian movement" in Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 20, 29-66. Disponível em WWW <URL:>
[3]         HILLIER, B. (2007): Space is the machine. A configurational theory of architecture. [online]: Space Syntax, UCL, Electronic Edition (1st edition published 1996). Available at WWW <URL:> (Accessed September 2009)
[4]         HILLIER, B.; HANSON, J. (1984): The Social Logic of Space. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[5]         HOLANDA, Frederico (1999): “Sintaxe de uma casa-átrio moderna”. Document based on the paper presented in Seminário DOCOMOMO Brasil, São Paulo, 8-11 December 1999. Available at < moderna/sintaxe.htm> (accessed January 2010)
Tema 2
[6]         CASTELLS, Manuel (2004): A Galáxia Internet. Reflexões sobre Internet, Negócios e Sociedade. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
[7]         ______ (2005): A era da informação: economia, sociedade e cultura. Volume I. A Sociedade em Rede. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Serviço de Educação e Bolsas.
[8]         ELOY, Sara (2012): A transformation grammar-based methodology for housing rehabilitation. Tese de Doutoramento, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal.
[9]         ELOY, Sara; PLÁCIDO, Isabel (2005): Novas Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação na Habitação. Lisboa: LNEC (edição restrita)
[10]      HARPER, Richard (ed.) (2003): Inside the Smart Home. Londres: Springer.
[11]      TRAMONTANO, Marcelo; REQUENA, Guto (2007): “Habitares: processos de projeto de uma espacialidade híbrida”, in Paper originally published in English at IJAC – International Journal of Architectural Computing, 2007 (Issue 3, vol. 5, pag. 535-549). [on line]. Available at WWW <URL:> (accessed on 2010-02-12)
Tema 3
[12]      Campbell, Dace A.; Wells, Maxwell (1997) A Critique of Virtual Reality in the Architectural Design Process. Disponível em WWW: <URL:>
[13]      KIRNER, Cláudio (2007) Realidade Virtual e Aumentada: Conceitos, Petrópolis – RJ, 28 de Maio de 2007, Projecto e Aplicações, ISBN 85- 7669-108- 6
[14]      KIRNER, Cláudio e TORI, Romero (2006) Fundamentos e Tecnologia de Realidade Virtual e Aumentada Fundamentos de Realidade Aumentada, capítulo 2, pp 20-34
[15]      LONSING, Werner. (2011) “Virtual Spaces in Urban Landscapes, Locative Exhibitions on Mobile Devices”, in Precedence and Prototypes – eCAADe 29, p. 615 – 618.
[16]      MOURKOUSSIS, N.; et al (2002) “Virtual and Augmented Reality Applied to Educational and Cultural Heritage Domains”, in Businedd Information Systems, Proceedings of BIS 2002, Proznan, Poland, disponível em:
[17]      Pragya T (2011) Virtual Reality in Architecture. Disponível em WWW: <URL:>
[18]      SAMPAIO, Alcinia; Gomes, Ana; Gomes, Augusto (2009) “Maintenance and Inspection of Façades of Building Supported on Virtual Reality Technology”, In eCAADe 2009 proceedings, pp.332-338
[19]      SUN, Ming; HOWARD, Rob (2003) Understanding I.T. in Construction. Routledge
[20]      Whyte J (2003) “Industrial applications of virtual reality in architecture and construction”, in ITcon Vol. 8, Special Issue Virtual Reality Technology in Architecture and Construction, pg. 43-50, Disponível em WWW: <URL:>
Tema 4
[21]      DUARTE, José Pinto (2007): Personalizar a habitação em série: Uma gramática discursiva para as casas da Malagueira do Siza. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
[22]      GLYNN, Ruari; SHEIL, Bob (2011): Fabricate. Riverside Architectural Press
[23]      GRANADEIRO, V; (2010): “Sistema Integrado de projecto e construção para a provisão de habitação personalizada: o caso Haiti pós-terramoto”, in actas do 1º CIHEL, Congresso Internacional de Habitação no Espaço Lusófono, Setembro 2010, Argumentum
[24]      HENSEL, Michael; MENGES, Achim; WEINSTOCK, Michael (2010): Emergent Technologies and Design: Towards a Biological Paradigm for Architecture. Routledge.
[25]      IWAMOTO, Lisa (2009): Digital Fabrications: Architectural and Material Techniques. Princeton Architectural Press
[26]      KOLAREVIC, Branco; KLINGER Kevin (editors) (2010): Manufacturing Material Effects: Rethinking Design and Making in Architecture. Routledge (BIB ISCTE-IUL)
[27]      KNIGHT, Terry W (1999): “Applications in Architectural Design, and Education and Practice”. Report for the NSF/MIT Workshop on Shape Computation. Available at WWW: <URL:> (accessed on 2011-01-20)
[28]      MEREDITH, Michael; Aranda-lasch; SASAKI, Mutsuro (2008): From Control to Design: Parametric/Algorithmic Architecture. Actar.
[29]      MITCHELL, William J.  (2008): A Lógica da Arquitectura: projeto, computação e cognição. Campinas. Brasil: Unicamp.
[30]      OXMAN, N. (2010): Material-based Design Computation, MIT Press, Cambridge. (PhD thesis)
[31]      PICON, Antoine (2010): Digital Culture in Architecture: An Introduction for the Design Professions. Birkhauser (ISBN: 978-3-0346-0259-4)
[32]      SOUSA, José Pedro (2010): From Digital to Material: Rethinking Cork in Architecture through the use CAD/CAM Technologies, UTL – Instituto Superior Técnico. (PhD thesis) (BIB ISCTE-IUL)
[33]      STINY, George (1980a): “Introduction to shape and shape grammars”, in Environment and Planning B. 7(1980): 343–351.
[34]      STINY, George (1980b): “Kindergarten grammars: designing with Froebel's building gifts”, in  Environment and Planning B 7(4) 409 – 462.
[35]      TERZIDIS, Kostas (2006): Algorithmic Architecture. Elsevier, Architectural Press (BIB ISCTE-IUL)
Tema 5
[36]      BAHAMON, A; PEREZ, P. (2008): Arquitectura mineral: analogias entre o mundo mineral e a arquitectura contemporânea. Lisboa: Dinalivro.
[37]      BAHAMON, A; PEREZ, P. (2007): Arquitectura animal: analogias entre o mundo animal e a arquitectura contemporânea. Lisboa: Dinalivro.
[38]      BAHAMON, A; PEREZ, P.; CAMPELLO, A. (2008): Arquitectura vegetal: analogias entre o mundo vegetal e a arquitectura contemporânea. Lisboa: Dinalivro.
[39]      DUARTE, José Pinto (2007): Personalizar a habitação em série: Uma gramática discursiva para as casas da Malagueira do Siza. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
[40]      KOLAREVIC, Branco; KLINGER Kevin (editors) (2010): Manufacturing Material Effects: Rethinking Design and Making in Architecture. Routledge (BIB ISCTE-IUL)
[41]      WIÇCOX, W W; BOTSAI, E E; KUBLER, H. (1991): Wood as a building material. A guide for designers and builders. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (BIB ISCTE-IUL)
[42]      ZWEGER, Klaus (2000): Wood and Wood Joints. Building traditions of Europe and Japan. Birkhauser. (BIB ISCTE-IUL)